Everyone has encountered that little black and white stripped critter called a skunk at some point and time. The other night while driving home we hit a skunk in the middle of the road just by trying to avoid him. Needless to say the stink was horrible. The odor came up inside the car and was unbearable. The next morning I went out to my car and the smell was still there. So my question was how do I get rid of skunk smell.
I googled it and everything I found seemed like it just wouldn't work. So I thought what have I got to loose by trying Scent-sations "Odor no More" candle. I grabbed it up took it out to the car and lit it. I sat it in the floor board of the car and left the windows up. I went back out to the car 30 minutes later and the smell was completely gone. I was in shock because I didn't think it would work just like all the other things I had tried.
The "Odor no More" candle gets rid of foul smells from trash, pets etc and I now know it gets rid of skunk smells. In my book this is the number 1 way to get rid of skunk smells in your car or around your home. Im so thankful I had this candle on hand when I did. It saved me days of riding around with that odor. The candle can be ordered at: Simply Bella Candles.